27/11/2020 • General update
Mount Anvil achieves The Planet Mark New Development certification
In 2019 the Oxford Dictionary word of the year was ‘Climate Emergency’ and had it not been for such an ‘unprecedented year’ this year, it’s likely that 2020’s word of the year would have followed suit.
We’ve entered a decade of climate action, and recognising the role developers play in climate change, how we respond to this will decide the course of human history, which is why we’re proud to be the first residential developer to achieve The Planet Mark New Development certification.
This partnership reflects our commitment to go beyond compliance to invest in a sustainable future for the built environment throughout the entire development process. We want to support Planet Mark’s mission to safeguard our planet and ensure it is fit for the future by playing a key role in embracing innovative solutions for a low-carbon world.
With a focus on design excellence and creating the highest quality end product, sustainability has been at the heart of Mount Anvil’s business strategy for many years. In our eyes, world class design has sustainability at its core, and our inhouse design and planning teams drive this sustainability agenda so that we design and deliver built environments that leave a positive legacy for London.
As part of The Planet Mark’s partnership with educational charity the Eden Project, we have commissioned a sustainability outreach programme which will engage with local primary schools through the New Development programme. This involves working with both pupils and staff to help children connect with and understand the importance of nature.
Mike Valmas, Head of Pre-Construction, Energy and Sustainability at Mount Anvil, says, “Our commitment to The Planet Mark New Development certification aligns with our investment into measuring the ways we can maximise space and biodiversity while also reducing the environmental impact of a building. It’s a great partnership and one that demonstrates our ongoing commitment to deliver environmentally and economically sustainable places.
“As well as the positive benefits to climate change, our residents are at the heart of our work with The Planet Mark. We know that fuel poverty is a huge issue in London and so this focus leads to well insulated homes with a highly efficient energy provision, keeping energy affordable and in the process tackling fuel poverty and underpining positive health and wellbeing.
“We’re also really proud of our commitment to working with the local community. I’m excited to see us giving back to local schools as part of our sustainability outreach programme together with the Eden Project – whilst also being able to introduce further sustainability themes to our existing community engagement platform Makers & Mentors.”
Steve Malkin, CEO and founder of The Planet Mark, adds, “We’re delighted Mount Anvil is joining The Planet Mark as the first residential developer to achieve our New Development certification. Its heritage and longstanding commitment to deliver sustainability throughout its build process and usage means that carbon savings, energy performance as well as maintenance, running and end user costs are constantly being considered throughout the lifetime of the building. Its culture and stakeholder engagement resonates perfectly with The Planet Mark’s three-step process to certification, and the genuine passion for sustainability, demonstrated from the board right through to all of its employees, will ensure the company continues to deliver a legacy of positive change for the better.”