07/06/2017 • What we believe
"Mount Anvil Truly Empowers and Leverages the Talent of Women"
- Emma Richman, WIC Judge.
Mount Anvil is committed to championing women working in the built environment. We understand our responsibility to raise the profile of gender equality across the business, and already ensure that both male and female candidates are considered for every role, hold regular workshops to discuss how we can nurture a culture of equality, and monitor the experiences of individuals across the organisation to understand how we can best support our female talent.
Mount Anvil’s workforce is currently 32% female, with seven women on our leadership team and two on our senior leadership team.
As well as informing hiring strategies, wellbeing reporting, corporate structures and day-to-day working practices, our commitment to women in the industry also results in innovative partnerships with like-minded organisations.
These include working closely with renowned built environment forum New London Architecture (NLA) to develop and deliver 'Inspiring Women’, a series of dynamic networking events, talks and mentoring sessions that highlight and support women in the sector.
Now in its eleventh year and a key date in the industry calendar, the Women in Construction Awards celebrates exceptional women working in the built environment sector, and the organisations who encourage and enable their success. This year, Mount Anvil women were shortlisted for five awards, and won the Award for Staff Training & Development.
We also celebrated International Women’s Day 2017 by delivering events with two of our partners.
At a ‘Women in Housing’ panel discussion hosted by Peabody and Family Mosaic, Mount Anvil’s Development Director, Emma Foster, sat on the panel alongside representatives from Mace, Taylor Wimpey and Family Mosaic. This valuable discussion celebrated the impact of women in housing, and noted the importance of inspiring young women into careers in the built environment.
We also helped our training partners at King's Cross Construction Skills Centre (KXCSC) to deliver a 'Women in Construction' event as part of National Apprenticeship Week. This popular event taught local female students and school-leavers about apprenticeships and careers in construction, and featured presentations from a range of female senior leaders, including Emma Norris, Senior Cost Planner at Mount Anvil and Town Hall equalities chief Cllr Larraine Revah.
Mount Anvil is committed to partnerships that further the wellbeing and standing of women across the sector, and that encourage more women into this historically male-dominated field.
For more information on Mount Anvil and NLA’s ‘Inspiring Women’ events, read the press release now.
To read about Mount Anvil winning the Award for Staff Training & Development at the Women in Construction Awards 2017 visit the story now.