30/03/2023 • Development update
The Silk District, raising the bar once more
The Silk District in Whitechapel gets an excellent score card of 45/45 from the Considerate Constructors Scheme – not only is it a clean, safe and supportive place to work but everything the team does has the community and environment front of mind.
Quality workmanship on site leading to quality product for residents with results that you don't see everyday - following our recent CCS assessment we were scored an exceptional 45/45. A benchmark was set and not just for our schemes, but those across the whole of the UK, by pursuing better, differently.
Residents deserve and demand quality homes. Quality is not a new idea nor is it a fad – it’s high on housebuilders, developers and RPs agendas, however, establishing a clear path to continually improving quality in the sector has proved no simple task.
The Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) is an initiative that aims to improve the image of the construction industry nationwide. All site and schemes registered with CCS are monitored throughout their build life against a Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice within the communities they work.
We scored excellent on three out of three on the CCS’s key codes of considerate practice:
Respect the community: Give utmost consideration to their impact on neighbours and the public
Protect the environment: Protect and enhance the environment
Value their workforce: Provide a supportive and caring working environment
We believe in making a positive, lasting difference to our teams, contractors and surrounding communities, and this score is proof that we’re delivering. But we know the hard work starts now, to not only maintain such high standards, but continue to innovate and improve. Well done to The Silk District team.
The attention to detail creating a safe and organised working environment has been staggering and very much in keeping with the exemplary standards we have grown to expect from Mount Anvil.
Phil Leach, Managing Director
JSW Mechanical and Electrical