09/09/2021 • Development update
The latest build progress from Whitechapel
Check out the latest drone footage showcasing the build progress in Whitechapel E1.
Construction update
The Georgette South
The final snagging is currently taking place at The Georgette South before we present to the National House Building Council (NHBC) for the final sign-off next month. This will commence a 10-year NHBC Buildmark warranty on the homes - homebuyers will need this to secure a mortgage.
Decoration work and the laying of carpets are underway.
Externally, the installation of the balconies is just about to begin.
Waterproofing and landscaping works are taking place on the podium gardens and are due to be completed in September.
The Jacquard
Decorating is now taking place from floors 1-5, all electrical works are currently ongoing on floors 6-10 and the installation of the kitchens and floor tiling is underway on floors 11-15.
The partition walls and underfloor heating are currently being installed on floors 16-18, with the remaining floors to be completed in next 4 weeks.
Externally, the balconies are being installed at a rate of 4 a day and we're on track for completion of this in the next 2 weeks.
We currently have around 120 operatives working in The Jacquard.
The Bouchon
The Bouchon is now built to the first floor, with 2 floors to be added per month going forward.
In the area
Whitechapel Station entrance opens after redevelopment. Check out the story here.